Okay, this bridal session was nothing short of perfectly beautiful golden light! Minus the fact that I got bit by an ant and my ankle blew up like a balloon. At least it was me and not the bride, right?? Megan’s golden bridal session was absolutely beautiful. I think it was even more beautiful than your Charleston engagement session.
I say this about every single bridal session, I know, but it’s my favorite part about the whole wedding experience. Getting to play dress up with the bride and letting her dream about her day and spend time in her most favorite white dress that she’ll ever wear. What makes this experience even better is getting to see your best friends radiate with happiness and getting capture the best time of their lives with them!
Megan, you are stunning. Your dress is perfect. Your venue is amazing. You are truly glowing. I’m so proud and currently crying at the fact that you’ve trusted me through this whole experience. I couldn’t be more grateful. Now that you’re officially married to the man of your dreams, and my long time good friend (who used to drive right by my house and honk his horn in high school when he was supposed to be picking me up to ride together..….) we can relive your golden bridal session!
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